hair restoration

Losing hair can make you lose your confidence as well. There are many causes of hairloss and not all  treatments are the same. Allow our dermatologist to carefully assess the cause and give you the proper and best treatment option for the problem. Rest assured, we will be here for you through thick and thin...



Microneedling when done onto the scalp brings blood flow and nutrients to the scalp through vascularization, inducing new stem cells and activating growth factors to support hair growth. A series of 6 sessions are needed at one month intervals however, hairgrowth can be observed in as early as 3 months.









Regenera is a revolutionary minimally invasive procedure that involves autologous micrografting obtained from active hair follicles of the same patient and transplanted on areas of thinning hair. This procedure, is a quick out-patient procedure with no downtime, that is done by our Dermatologist at the prestigioius Asian Hospital and Medical Center.