skin lightening

While we are a firm advocate of loving your natural skin color, we support lightening blemishes, pigmentation and melasma,  to even out the skin color you were born with to reveal a flawless and smooth finish that healthy from within. Here are just a few of the skin lightening services we offer...



Chemical peels have been a time tested solution for melasma and pigmentation. It also has the advantage of preventing acne breakout, improving fine lines and wrinkles and skin texture. We have various peels to choose from. Be it the versatile Smoothing Body Peels, the gentle TCA peels, the medium depth melanoplus peel or the the deep Obagi Blue Peel. Rest assured, only our Dermatologist will perform the procedure on you.








Intense Pulsed Light procedure is a performed by our Dermatologist to treat superficial and deep sun damage, melasma and other pigmentation problems that cannot be reached by merely applying topical whitening products. It uses a powerful but more diffuse light source encompassing different wavelengths to reach its target. It reduces redness, evens out skin tone and induces collagen formation as well.